445g 1lb | Bali (OG/PC) Kratom Powder | Kraken Kratom


  • Kratom Powder
  • Bali OG
  • 445g

Kraken Kratom Bali (OG/PC) Kratom Powder – 1lb (445g)

Discover the essence of Bali, Indonesia, with a full pound (445g) of Bali (OG/PC) Kratom Powder offered by Kraken Kratom. This substantial package allows enthusiasts to dive deep into the rich heritage and tranquil experience that Bali Kratom is renowned for. Known for its balanced and versatile effects, this strain serves as a bridge between the energizing qualities of younger leaves and the soothing properties of mature leaves, making it a perfect choice for those seeking middle ground in their kratom journey.

Kratom Powder

The Original and Premium Commercial Blend

The OG/PC label highlights this strain as one of the original kratom varieties offered by Kraken Kratom, backed by premium commercial quality. Sourced from mature trees in the Kalimantan region of Indonesia, the Bali (OG/PC) Kratom Powder is a testament to the enduring popularity and demand for this well-rounded strain. It offers a harmonious balance of effects, crafted from the unique environmental conditions and traditional farming techniques of Bali.

Perfect for those who enjoy the ritual of brewing kratom tea or incorporating kratom into their wellness routines in versatile ways, the 1lb of Bali Kratom provides ample quantity for experimentation and regular use. Its 1.7% mitragynine content ensures a consistent and satisfying experience, making it a staple in the collections of both new and seasoned kratom users.


What distinguishes Bali Kratom? Bali Kratom is cherished for its ability to offer a balanced blend of energy and relaxation. Its name derives from its place of origin, where the unique climate and soil contribute to the strain’s distinct characteristics.

How does Kraken Kratom maintain high quality? Kraken Kratom ensures the quality and safety of their Bali Kratom through meticulous laboratory testing. As an American Kratom Association approved vendor, Kraken Kratom meets rigorous standards for product testing, including analysis for alkaloids, heavy metals, and microbial safety, providing customers with confidence in the purity and potency of their kratom.

Why Choose Bali Kratom from Kraken Kratom?

Opting for the 1lb of Bali (OG/PC) Kratom Powder from Kraken Kratom means embracing a product that marries tradition with quality. This offering not only provides a generous amount of the beloved Bali strain but also showcases Kraken Kratom’s commitment to excellence. With a focus on responsible sourcing and comprehensive testing, Kraken Kratom delivers a Bali Kratom experience that is both authentic and reliable, perfect for those looking to deepen their understanding of kratom’s benefits.

Let this 1lb of Bali Kratom guide you through a serene exploration of the rich kratom heritage Bali has to offer, backed by the trusted quality and expertise of Kraken Kratom.

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