56g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]


  • Loose Leaf Kratom
  • Super Green Malay
  • 56g

56g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]

Introducing the luxurious 56g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf, a premium tea cut/loose leaf selection from Kraken Kratom. This strain, known for its exceptional consistency, marries the qualities of Bali and Maeng Da Thai into a single, superior leaf product. Cultivated through generations in the fertile soil of Southeast Asian forests, this kratom leaf carries the legacy of its Malaysian origin while thriving in Indonesia, offering an unparalleled experience for tea enthusiasts.

Super Green Malaysian Kratom leaves are celebrated for their vibrant green hue and rich alkaloid profile, attributed to meticulous cultivation practices. This offering invites you to partake in a tradition that extends back centuries, providing a direct link to the cultural richness of kratom consumption in Southeast Asia.

Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf

Traditional Tea with a Modern Twist

The 56g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf offers an abundant supply for creating soothing, aromatic tea. For an authentic kratom tea experience, use 1 gram of this tea cut leaf per cup of hot (not boiling) water, ensuring the alkaloids remain intact. Enhance your tea with honey, lemon juice, and fresh ginger to make it more palatable, turning this traditional beverage into a modern delicacy.

Experience the depth and richness of Southeast Asian kratom with every sip. Whether you’re a long-time kratom aficionado or new to the world of kratom tea, the Super Green Malaysian leaf provides a perfect blend of tradition and quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf? For its unique alkaloid profile and the sustainable practices behind its cultivation, ensuring a high-quality and eco-friendly product.

Best ways to enjoy Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf? Brewed as a tea with additions like honey, lemon, and ginger for a flavorful experience, this kratom leaf represents the pinnacle of natural herbal beverages.

Weight: 56g
Strain: Super Green Malaysian
Form: Tea Cut / Loose Leaf
Lab Tested: Yes, >1.5% mitragynine content

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Why Kraken Kratom?

By selecting the 56g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf, you’re investing in a brand that prides itself on quality and heritage. Kraken Kratom brings the best of Southeast Asian kratom directly to you, ensuring a premium and authentic tea experience with each purchase.

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