56g OG Bali Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]


  • Loose Leaf Kratom
  • OG Bali
  • 56g

56g OG Bali Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]

Step into the world of traditional kratom tea with Kraken Kratom’s 56g OG Bali Kratom Leaf, now available in a tea cut/loose leaf format. This beloved strain, rooted in the rich, volcanic soils of Bali, Indonesia, offers a harmonious balance of effects cherished by both new and seasoned kratom enthusiasts. Cultivated with precision in Indonesia, OG Bali has preserved its renowned potency and complex profile, making it a staple for anyone seeking an authentic kratom tea experience.

With this substantial 56g package, you’re provided with approximately 840mg of mitragynine, ensuring each cup of tea is imbued with the calming, yet uplifting qualities OG Bali is famous for. Perfect for both ceremonial and daily tea brewing, this leaf invites you to explore the depth of Bali’s kratom tradition.

OG Bali Kratom Leaf

Brewing Serenity: OG Bali Tea

The 56g OG Bali Leaf is your gateway to crafting serene moments through kratom tea. For the best brewing results, steep 1 gram in just-off-boiling water to maintain the integrity of the leaf’s alkaloids. Enhance your tea with honey, lemon juice, and ginger to elevate the flavor profile and complement the natural effects of the Bali leaf, creating a beverage that relaxes, focuses, and satisfies.

This package offers ample leaf to perfect your brewing technique, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience with every cup. Discover the timeless appeal of OG Bali, presented with Kraken Kratom’s hallmark dedication to quality and tradition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose 56g OG Bali Leaf? For its renowned balance and rich tradition, providing a foundational kratom tea experience that is both grounding and elevating.

How can I enhance my kratom tea? Incorporating natural enhancers into your brew can tailor the experience to your tastes, making each cup of OG Bali tea a personal ritual of wellness and enjoyment.

Weight: 56g
Total Mitragynine: Approx. 840mg
Strain: OG Bali
Form: Tea Cut / Loose Leaf
Lab Tested: Yes, exceeding industry standards

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Unwavering Quality: Kraken Kratom’s Pledge

By selecting the 56g OG Bali Kratom Leaf, you entrust your kratom experience to a brand that stands at the forefront of quality and safety. As the first American Kratom Association approved vendor to meet Good Manufacturing Practices, Kraken Kratom not only pledges the highest quality but also ensures each leaf is rigorously tested for purity and potency. This commitment affirms your choice in a product that brings both satisfaction and peace of mind.

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