225g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]


  • Loose Leaf Kratom
  • Super Green Malay
  • 225g

225g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]

Dive into the rich heritage of Southeast Asian kratom with Kraken Kratom’s 225g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf, available in a tea cut/loose leaf form. This substantial offering combines the historical cultivation practices of Malaysia with the robust, nutrient-rich environment of Indonesia. The result is a strain that mirrors the best aspects of its origins, providing an unparalleled leaf product for kratom tea enthusiasts.

Recognized for its vibrant green hue and complex alkaloid profile, the Super Green Malaysian strain stands out for its consistency and quality. Embrace the traditional method of kratom consumption with these tea cut leaves, which are perfect for those who appreciate the ritual and flavor of kratom tea.

Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf

Embrace Traditional Brewing Methods

The 225g pack of Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf is designed for the avid kratom tea drinker. To brew, simply use 1 gram of this leaf per cup of hot (not boiling) water to protect the alkaloids. Enhance your tea with natural sweeteners like honey, the tanginess of lemon juice, and the zesty kick of fresh ginger for a more palatable and enjoyable beverage.

This generous quantity ensures you have a ready supply of premium kratom leaf, whether for daily rituals or special occasions. The Super Green Malaysian leaf offers a direct connection to the age-old traditions of kratom use, delivering both the flavor and the cultural significance of this esteemed plant.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Super Green Malaysian strain unique? Its balance between traditional cultivation and modern processing, resulting in a tea cut leaf known for its rich alkaloid content and superior flavor profile.

How can I get the most out of Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf? Brewing with care and customizing with natural additives like honey and lemon can elevate your tea experience, blending tradition with personal taste preferences.

Weight: 225g
Strain: Super Green Malaysian
Form: Tea Cut / Loose Leaf
Lab Tested: Yes, >1.5% mitragynine content

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Why Choose Kraken Kratom?

By opting for the 225g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf, you’re selecting a brand that prioritizes both the heritage and quality of its products. Kraken Kratom ensures that every leaf offers a testament to the rich tradition and natural efficacy of kratom, curated for enthusiasts who demand the best.

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