112g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]


  • Loose Leaf Kratom
  • Super Green Malay
  • 112g

112g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf [Tea Cut / Loose Leaf]

Dive deeper into the world of kratom tea with the 112g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf, presented by Kraken Kratom. This larger quantity of tea cut/loose leaf kratom is a treasure for those who cherish the ritual of brewing kratom tea. Renowned for its stability across batches, this strain combines the best attributes of Bali and Maeng Da Thai, nurtured over decades in the fertile Malaysian landscape, now flourishing in Indonesia.

Super Green Malaysian stands out for its vivid green color and rich alkaloid profile, thanks to the cultivation in humus-rich soil. This leaf not only connects you to the ancient tradition of kratom consumption in Southeast Asia but also supports the local economies of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf

Enhance Your Tea Ritual

The 112g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf ensures you have ample supply for crafting exquisite kratom tea. For the ideal brewing experience, use 1 gram of leaf per cup of hot (but not boiling) water to preserve the precious alkaloids. Enhance the flavor and benefits of your tea with honey, lemon juice, and fresh ginger, making each cup a more palatable and enjoyable ritual.

This generous amount is perfect for regular kratom tea drinkers or those looking to share the experience with friends. Discover the unique alkaloid-rich profile of Super Green Malaysian and make it a cornerstone of your natural wellness routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is special about Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf? Its unique blend of alkaloids and cultivation history make it a sought-after choice for kratom tea aficionados, offering a taste of Southeast Asian tradition with every cup.

How to get the most out of Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf? Brew with care, adding natural enhancers like honey, lemon, and ginger, to create a soothing, aromatic beverage that respects the kratom leaf’s heritage and potency.

Weight: 112g
Strain: Super Green Malaysian
Form: Tea Cut / Loose Leaf
Lab Tested: Yes, >1.5% mitragynine content

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Why Kraken Kratom?

Opting for the 112g Super Green Malaysian Kratom Leaf from Kraken Kratom is choosing a brand that values quality, tradition, and customer satisfaction. Enjoy a bulk supply of kratom leaf that’s perfect for daily brewing, capturing the essence and tradition of Southeast Asian kratom culture.

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