10g Kraken Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract 9% MIT


  • Kratom Extract Powder
  • 90mg MIT Per Gram
  • 10g

10g Kraken Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract 9% MIT

Expanding on their repertoire of superior kratom products, Kraken Kratom introduces the 10g Kraken Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract, distinguished by its impressive 9% mitragynine content. This proprietary blend marries high-quality kratom leaf with pure mitragynine extract, offering a potent and unique experience. The Gold Elite Extract stands as a testament to Kraken’s unwavering commitment to quality, delivering a kratom powder that is not only potent but also rich in the leaf’s natural complexities.

What sets the 10g Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract apart is its composition, meticulously crafted to include the finest leaf material combined with a unique proprietary extract. This blend ensures a kratom experience that is unparalleled, making it a favorite among Kraken Kratom’s knowledgeable and discerning customer base. Its distinctive formula, which includes leaf material in the extract, offers a depth and richness of experience found nowhere else on the market.

10g Kraken Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract 9% MIT

A Harmonious Blend of Potency and Purity

Each package of the 10g Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract guarantees a kratom experience that emphasizes potency without compromising on the holistic qualities of the leaf. The inclusion of leaf material alongside the pure mitragynine extract creates a full-spectrum effect that appeals to those seeking a comprehensive kratom experience. This extract is perfect for adding to a capsule or brewing into a tea, with the recommended serving size being ⅛ of a teaspoon every 24 hours.

As an American Kratom Association approved vendor and the first to achieve accreditation for Good Manufacturing Practices, Kraken Kratom’s products, including this 10g extract, adhere to the highest standards of quality, safety, and compliance. Each batch is rigorously tested to ensure uniform blending and composite standards that meet current AHPA guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose the 10g Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract? For its unmatched blend of quality and potency, providing a kratom experience that is both rich and refined, backed by the assurance of Kraken Kratom’s rigorous quality standards.

How to enjoy this kratom extract? Versatile in use, it can be encapsulated or brewed into tea, offering a personalized kratom experience that leverages the extract’s unique properties for maximum benefit.

Product: Gold Elite
Form: Powder Extract
MIT Content: 9%
Quantity: 10g
Brand: Kraken Kratom
Lab Tested: Yes

Kraken Kratom Logo

Explore the Richness of Kratom

Delve into the superior kratom experience with the 10g Kraken Gold Elite Kratom Powder Extract, where quality meets innovation. Kraken Kratom’s dedication to excellence ensures that each gram of this extract is a step towards a more profound and enriching kratom journey. Choose Kraken Kratom for a premium kratom experience that sets new industry standards for potency and purity.

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